Eco-friendly Convention Center, ICC JEJU

Jeju International Convention Center, an eco-friendly building, has installed the largest solar power generation facility in the province, with a capacity of 751 kW, producing approximately 790,590 kWh annually, effectively saving about 100 million KRW in electricity costs per year.

Solar Power Generation Facility Installation Status

Effects of installing solar power generation facilities

  • Annual power generation of
    800,000 kWh/year.
  • Oil-saving Effect
    200 TOE/year.
  • CO2 Reduction Effect
    380 tCO2/year.
  • Replacing 20% of ICC’s Power Consumption
  • Saving 100 million KRW in annual electricity costs.
  • Usage: System air conditioning, air handling units, elevators, and lifts.
  • Roof: 550 kW
  • Wall: 55 kW
  • Rooftop: 50 kW
  • Freight Parking Lot: 35 kW
  • Parking Entrance: 25 kW
  • Tracking Equipment: 36 kW

Eco-friendly Certification

ICC JEJU has obtained EarthCheck certification (Silver) from EC3 Global, a global eco-friendly certification body in Australia. This achievement is the result of continuous efforts, such as applying insulation films for energy saving, introducing eco-friendly energy management systems (BEMS), and replacing high-efficiency eco-friendly LED lighting. We continue to build a sustainable eco-friendly infrastructure.

Energy-saving Equipment Installation

The centralized heating and cooling system has been replaced with an individually operable system, and the escalators have been replaced with energy-saving sensor-operated systems to conserve energy.

Food Waste Disposal Equipment Installation

By composting food waste generated from the center's restaurants and banquet events, we contribute to minimizing waste generation and building an eco-friendly resource recycling society.

Installation of Insulation Film

Insulation film has been installed on 10,741 m2 of the glass walls, which are the most energy-loss-prone parts of the ICC JEJU building, to block harmful UV rays and minimize indoor heat loss, thereby reducing energy loss.

Rooftop Greening Project

A rooftop greening project was carried out on the 6th floor of the ICC JEJU building, covering an area of 728 m2, transforming the rooftop into a nature-friendly meeting space, and lowering the indoor temperature by 2-3 degrees during the summer.