Jeju International Convention Center Employees’ Code of Ethics

Our company, Jeju International Convention Center Co., Ltd., is a proud enterprise of the residents of Jeju, contributing to the development of the local economy through various businesses. These include the operation of international conference facilities, the establishment and operation of short-term training centers for fostering professional talent in international conferences and tourism, the management of ancillary businesses such as shopping centers and duty-free shops, the hosting and organization of various events such as tourism expos, sports events, and exhibitions, the leasing and management of convention center ancillary facilities, and other businesses aimed at promoting the tourism industry and convention center development.

We carry out these responsibilities with pride, and we strive to become a world-class company, loved and trusted by the public through ethical management and compliance with laws and regulations.

To this end, we will achieve our mission with creative thinking and a challenging spirit, conduct our duties with honesty and fairness based on high ethical standards, and work to prevent corruption and foster a clean public service culture.

We are committed to providing the best products and services to our customers, practicing customer-first principles through management focused on customer satisfaction and the creation of new value.

We respect domestic and international laws and regulations, honor the principles of free market competition, and build cooperative relationships with all stakeholders, aiming for mutual prosperity.

We respect the dignity of each employee, ensure there is no discrimination, provide equal opportunities and fair evaluations, and strive to improve the health and quality of life of our employees.

Ethical Management

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 [Purpose]

The purpose of this Code of Ethics (hereinafter referred to as "the Code") is to provide employees with the correct decision-making and ethical judgment standards necessary to comply with the Code of Ethics.

Article 2 [Scope of Application]

The Code applies to all employees (including non-regular employees) of Jeju International Convention Center Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Center").

Chapter 2: Basic Ethics of Employees

Article 3 [Basic Ethics of Employees]
  • ① Employees shall take pride in and have a sense of ownership as members of the Center and always maintain an attitude of honesty and sincerity.
  • ② Employees shall strive to uphold and develop the honor and dignity of the Center with high ethical standards and act in accordance with their conscience while complying with all applicable laws and regulations when performing their duties.
  • ③ Employees shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations while performing their duties and act in accordance with their conscience.
Article 4 [Fulfillment of Duties]

Employees shall share the management philosophy and vision of the Center and fulfill their responsibilities with creativity and sincerity, in line with the goals and values pursued by the Center.

Article 5 [Self-Development]

Employees shall establish an ideal image of themselves that suits the era of globalization and openness and strive to achieve this through continuous self-development.

Article 6 [Fair Performance of Duties
  • ① Employees shall perform their duties fairly by complying with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • ② Employees shall not engage in unethical or illegal activities that could undermine the fair performance of their duties, such as issuing unreasonable orders, making requests or solicitations, granting favors, etc.
  • ③ Employees shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations while performing their duties and act in accordance with their conscience.
Article 7 [Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest]
  • ① Employees shall strive to avoid actions or relationships that conflict with the interests of the Center while performing their duties.
  • ② When there is a conflict of interest between the Center and an individual or department, employees shall prioritize the interests of the Center.
Article 8 [Prohibition of Unfair Gains]

Employees shall not provide or accept gifts, entertainment, or other benefits that exceed socially acceptable limits and could undermine fairness in relation to their duties.

Article 9 [Distinction Between Public and Private Matters]
  • ① Employees shall clearly distinguish between public and private matters while performing their duties.
  • ② Employees shall not use the Center's assets for personal purposes or use the Center's budget for purposes other than those intended, causing financial harm to the Center.
  • ③ Employees shall not spend time on personal matters during working hours, impairing work performance, or use the Center's information and communication systems for inappropriate purposes such as online games, gambling, or visiting obscene websites.
  • ④ Without the permission or approval of the CEO, employees shall not engage in any other employment or activities aimed at personal profit outside their duties.
Article 10 [Relations Among Employees]
  • ① Employees shall observe basic workplace etiquette with one another and refrain from engaging in rude behavior, slandering, or harassing other employees.
  • ② Employees shall not engage in factionalism or discrimination based on academic background, gender, religion, blood ties, or regional origin. ③ Employees shall not engage in unfair solicitations, excessive gift-giving, or financial transactions among themselves that could be considered socially inappropriate. ④ Superiors shall not issue unreasonable orders to subordinates, and subordinates shall comply with the just orders of their superiors, while refusing unreasonable orders. ⑤ Employees shall not engage in sexual harassment or behavior that induces sexual temptation or causes sexual humiliation among colleagues.
Article 11 [Healthy Living]
  • ① Employees shall avoid ostentation and extravagance, leading simple and frugal lives, and engage in wholesome leisure activities to maintain conduct befitting a public official.
  • ② Employees shall strive to establish a healthy culture of celebratory and condolence events and avoid notifying business-related individuals of such events or accepting excessive gifts or money that exceed socially acceptable levels.
Article 12 [Transparent Information and Accounting Management]
  • ① Employees shall acquire and manage all information in a just and transparent manner, and record and manage accounting records and other information accurately and honestly.
  • ② Employees shall not disclose or improperly use any information acquired in connection with their duties without prior permission or approval from the CEO.
  • ③ Employees shall not make false or exaggerated reports, conceal or monopolize important information for the benefit of specific individuals or departments.
  • ④ The Center shall disclose management information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations to enhance the transparency and credibility of its management.

Chapter 3: Ethics Toward Customers

Article 13 [Respect for Customers]

Employees shall always respect customers, recognizing that they are the reason for our existence and the goal of our actions, and prioritize customers in all decisions and actions.

Article 14 [Customer Satisfaction]
  • ① Employees shall accurately understand and meet customers' needs and expectations, constantly striving to provide the best products and services.
  • ② Employees shall always listen to and humbly accept customers' opinions and suggestions, and handle customer complaints as quickly and fairly as possible.
Article 15 [Protection of Customer Interests]
  • ① Employees shall protect customers' assets, intellectual property, trade secrets, and personal information more carefully than the Center's assets, and shall not engage in unethical conduct that infringes on customers' interests.
  • ② Employees shall promptly provide accurate information to customers that they need to know or are entitled to know.

Chapter 4: Ethics Toward Competitors and Business Partners

Article 16 [Trade Regulations]

Employees shall comply with all relevant laws and regulations of the country and region in which they conduct business and respect domestic and international trade customs.

Article 17 [Pursuit of Free Competition]

Employees shall respect the principles of free competition and market order, and pursue fair and legitimate competition with competitors based on mutual respect.

Article 18 [Fair Transactions]
  • ① Employees shall provide equal opportunities to all individuals or organizations qualified to bid or contract for construction, services, or goods purchased by the Center.
  • ② Employees shall conduct all transactions fairly, on an equal footing, and transparently, in an open and ordinary workplace.
  • ③ Employees shall not use their superior position in transactions to demand money or impose unfair trading conditions, management interference, or other unreasonable demands.
  • ④ Employees shall sign and comply with integrity contracts in all transactions.

Chapter 5: Ethics Toward Employees

Article 19 [Respect for Employees]

The Center shall treat its employees with trust and affection, recognizing each as a dignified individual, and respect their religious, political views, and privacy.

Article 20 [Fair Treatment]

The Center shall provide equal opportunities in education, promotion, and other areas based on employees' individual abilities and qualifications, fairly evaluate and reward achievements, and shall not discriminate based on gender, academic background, age, religion, regional origin, or physical disabilities.

Article 21 [Fostering Talent and Promoting Creativity]

The Center shall actively support employees in developing their abilities, fostering them into professional and creative talents, and create conditions that encourage employees to freely propose ideas and express opinions to promote original and autonomous thinking and behavior.

Article 22 [Improvement of Quality of Life]
  • ① The Center shall establish systems that allow employees to perform their duties through legitimate means and strive to ensure that they find pride and fulfillment in their work.
  • ② The Center shall create a pleasant and safe working environment, and actively develop and implement programs to improve the quality of life of employees and their families in areas such as health, education, and welfare.

Chapter 6: Ethics Toward the Nation and Society

Article 23 [Contribution to National and Social Development]
  • ① Employees shall contribute to the development of the nation and society by fostering a sound and responsible business through rational and accountable management, thereby creating social wealth.
  • ② Employees shall, as members of the local community, humbly accept the legitimate demands of various social classes and local residents and do their utmost to address these demands.
  • ③ The Center shall actively support employees' participation in social activities and strive for the cultural and economic development of the local community.
Article 24 [Prohibition of Unjust Political Activities]
  • ① The Center shall not engage in unfair political activities, nor provide illegal donations or expenses to political parties, politicians, or election candidates.
  • ② The Center respects the political views of its employees. However, employees must ensure that their personal political views are not misconstrued as the political stance of the organization.
Article 25 [Safety and Risk Prevention]

mployees shall comply with all safety-related laws and standards and make every effort to prevent accidents and manage risks.

Article 26 [Environmental Protection]

Employees shall recognize the importance of environmental issues, comply with domestic and international environmental laws and regulations, and strive to protect the environment and prevent pollution.

Article 27 [Labor-Management Harmony]

Employees shall remember that both labor and management are co-owners of the Center and work toward coexistence and prosperity based on trust and harmony.

Article 28 [Compliance with International Business Norms]

In international transactions, employees shall comply with international agreements and regulations, such as the Anti-Bribery Convention in international business transactions, respect the laws and cultures of the host country, and contribute to the economic development of the local economy.

Chapter 7: Supplementary Provisions

Article 29 [Duty and Responsibility of Compliance]
  • ① All employees must be familiar with and comply with the Code, and shall bear responsibility for any violations.
  • ② The CEO, executives, and department heads are responsible for managing and supervising compliance with the Code by their subordinates.
Article 30 [Rewards and Disciplinary Actions]
  • ① The CEO may reward employees who comply with the Code and contribute to the establishment of ethical management, including reflecting this in their performance evaluations.
  • ② The CEO may take necessary measures, such as disciplinary action, against employees who engage in activities that violate the Code. However, specific acts subject to disciplinary action are separately defined in the Code of Conduct.
  • ③ The type, procedure, and effect of disciplinary actions under Paragraph 2 shall be governed by the Center’s disciplinary regulations.
Article 31 [Establishment of the Ethics Management Committee]
  • ① The CEO may establish and operate an Ethics Management Committee, if necessary, considering the nature and size of the organization, to facilitate the smooth implementation and establishment of ethical management and the Code.
  • ② The Ethics Management Committee shall perform the following tasks:
    • 1. Decision-making on major policies related to the promotion of ethical management.
    • 2. Establishment and revision of regulations related to ethical management.
    • 3. Authoritative interpretation of important provisions related to ethical management.
    • 4. Matters concerning the practice of the Code by employees.
    • 5. Other necessary matters for the practice of ethical management and the operation and implementation of the Code.
  • ③ The Ethics Management Committee may perform the duties of the CEO as stipulated by the Code.
  • ④ Matters necessary for the establishment and operation of the Ethics Management Committee may be separately stipulated.
Article 32 [Operation of the Code]
  • ① The CEO shall continuously supplement, develop, and operate the content of the Code in line with the organization’s development and environmental changes.
  • ② The CEO shall separately define detailed criteria and procedures necessary for the operation of the Code in the Code of Conduct to ensure compliance and maintain the integrity of employees.