
  • Location : 5th Floor
  • Main Uses : International events, general meetings, banquets, exhibitions, sporting events

Type Actual area/standard(m) Capacity
Size(㎡) Length·Width·Height (m) Theater type Banquet type Class type
Tamna Hall A+B+C 4,061 80.4 x 45.4 x 13.7 4,300 2,000 3,500
A 2,294 45.2 x 45,4 x 13.7 1,500 870 1,500
B+C 1,768 35.0 x 45.4 x 13.7 2,800 1,100 2,000

Rental rates

(Unit: KRW, VAT excluded)

Type Partition 09:00~12:00 13:00~17:00 18:00~21:00 09:00~17:00 13:00~21:00 09:00~21:00 Overuse
(1 hours)
Night work
(1 hours)
Tamna Hall A+B 16,894,000 20,273,000 15,205,000 33,788,000 37,167,000 50,682,000 4,224,000 1,689,000
A 9,485,000 11,382,000 8,537,000 18,970,000 20,867,000 28,455,000 2,371,000 949,000
B 7,409,000 8,891,000 6,668,000 14,818,000 16,300,000 22,227,000 1,852,000 741,000


Main facilities

Area 4061㎡ (can be divided into 3)
Dimensions (m) (width x length x height) 80.4 x 45.4 x 13.7
Maximum capacity: 4,300 people (theater style)

Main equipment

Simultaneous interpretation room (8 booths in Tamna Hall A, 8 booths in Tamna Hall B), infrared wireless simultaneous interpretation system in 8 languages
Banner batten: Tamna A (18m*1.8m), Tamna C (18m*1.8m)
2 cockpits, 1 lighting control room
Main equipment: Tamna Hall A DLP Beam Projector 1 unit (20,000ANSI)
Floor load: 200kg/㎡


Stage: Tamra A Hall hydraulic UP/DOWN stage (width: 45m * length 13.5 * height up to 1.8m)
Tamra B Hall/C Hall: Mobile stage (1EA: 1.2m wide*2.4m)
Fixed screen: Tamna Hall A front Roll Screen 678 inches (width 10m*height 14m)


8 waiting rooms - Room 500 (12㎡), Room 501 (12㎡), Room 502 (12㎡), Room 501~504 (30㎡)